segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2016

TOKYO, a cultural trip ...

Travel to Tokyo by QATAR AIRWAYS

Japan's capital is one of the largest megalopolises of the planet, a huge, pulsating urban area with hundreds of kilometers of train and subway lines, dozens of spectacular buildings where headquarters of multinational send orders to the entire planet and millions of people walking there Here. But almost no driver honks the horn, the streets are unscathed and there is a veiled respect for others. The future is in the cities, so they seek sustainable and social solutions such as that Tokyo has sought to achieve.

The historic town, which refers directly to the fishing village at the mouth of the Sumida River, is present in Asakusa - the traditional commercial district with the photogenic Sensoji Temple, and Ryogoku - where huge sumo wrestlers stroll nonchalantly on their bikes. The city young and avant-garde you will see the always lively streets of Shibuya and Roppongi in ballads - teeming with foreign tourists. The high food and the consumption of eateries are scattered throughout the city, but especially in places like the Ginza district and the busy mall Omotesando you will face an audience of discerning. No matter if your destination includes multi-colored neons or quiet gardens, Tokyo remains one of the most avant-garde cities on the planet, looking for solutions to issues such as sustainability, mass transit and pollution (noise, visual, air). Even the famous rampant consumer society is giving way to more responsible and thrifty attitudes.

Tokyo's sushi land, which arose around fish markets as the giant Tsukiji, so do not try to find options here with tabasco, cream cheese and mayonnaise. Shopping options are many, varied and tempting, ranging from the impeccably chic, seductively well designed, sweet fluffy (you will get enough with Pikachus and Hello Kittys) and insanely technology (much of the best in electronics and photography is restricted to the domestic market ). So it was with this blend of design, functionality and reasonable prices that Japan conquered the world and continues to call the attention of consumers around the planet.

                     Portal Kaminari-mon, no templo Sensoji, em Asakusa, Tóquio
                        Kaminari-mon Gate, at Sensoji Temple in Asakusa, Tokyo

                      Crianças brincam em campos floridos no parque Showa Kinen, em Tóquio
                    Children play in the flower fields in Showa Kinen Park, in Tokyo

                       Shinjuku é uma das áreas mais modernas de Tóquio, onde estão localizadas a sede do governo metropolitano e a estação ferroviária mais movimentada de todo Japão
           Shinjuku is one of the trendiest areas of Tokyo, where are located the headquarters of the metropolitan government and the busiest railway station around Japan

                       Ponte Niju-bashi, sobre fosso que cerca o Palácio Imperial de Tóquio
                   Niju-bashi bridge over moat surrounding the Imperial Palace in Tokyo

                       O Fórum Internacional de Tóquio é um moderno espaço multiuso utilizado para concertos, eventos comerciais e culturais em um moderníssimo espaço no centro da cidade
          The Tokyo International Forum is a modern multipurpose space used for concerts, shopping and cultural events in a very modern space in the city center

                        Ponte Rainbow Bridge, com a Tokyo Tower ao fundo
                       Bridge Rainbow Bridge, with Tokyo Tower in the background


Close to the town there is a wide variety of good rides. Subway can arrive at Tokyo Disneyland, option for those traveling with children. In neighboring Yokohama you will find a great water park with a huge aquarium, one of Japan's best Chinatown and a pleasant port area. Enjoy you're here to meet Kamakura and its great Buddha. To delve further into history, be sure to go to Nikko, north of the capital, a tour that takes an entire day, same time it is necessary to make a hit-and-back to Mount Fuji.


Tokyo is connected with the rest of the country through the shinkansen lines, the bullet train and local trains run by the Japan Rail ( For more distant destinations such companies as ANA ( and Japan Airlines ( operate flights from Haneda airports (Narita (www. From the airport to central Tokyo there are several connection options, but the most recommended are the train lines.


Tokyo has a vast network of commuter trains and subway lines. The circular Yamanote Line of Japan Rail connects all major railway stations of the city, such as Tokyo Station, Shinjuku and Ueno, all with connections to the subway.


As one of the main cities in the world, the supply of rooms here is plentiful. There are numerous hotels of international networks that have the services and structure ever, with staff fluent in English and reasonably priced (by Japanese standards). Some properties, such as the Park Hyatt, are among the world's best and are a label of class and good service.

As there is often a rail or subway station near the hotel, the location does not get to be a big problem, but worth searching establishments in districts like Ginza, Hibiya, Roppongi and Shinjuku, surrounding the central station Tokyo, or in vicinity of the circular Yamanote line stations, especially the Ueno, Shibuya and Harajuku.

Youth hostels are among the cheapest options and hotels capsule are only for the desperate.

                         O Japão tem uma longa tradição em produzir bonecos com os mais diferentes materiais, como pode ser visto nessa exposição em Tóquio
Japan has a long tradition in producing dolls with the most different materials, as can be seen at the exhibition in Tokyo

                           Em um pequeno prato o chirashizushi sintetiza vários elementos da culinária japonesa: comida nutritiva, saborosa, fortemente baseada em frutos do mar e esteticamente chamativa.
In a small dish the chirashizushi synthesizes various elements of Japanese cuisine: nutritious food, tasty, heavily based on seafood and aesthetically striking.

                            Casais se divertem nos fossos do antigo Castelo de Edo, o atual Palácio Imperial de Tóquio, repleto de cerejeiras em flor
Couples have fun in the moats of the former Edo Castle, the current Tokyo Imperial Palace, filled with cherry blossom

                           Tradicional cerimônia de casamento no santuário Meiji Jingu, em Tóquio
                            Traditional wedding ceremony at Meiji Jingu shrine in Tokyo

                          Crepúsculo em Tóquio, com o cume do Monte Fuji ao longe
                         Twilight in Tokyo, with the summit of Mount Fuji in the distance


Japan's national dish, sushi, was born here, when the capital was still called Edo. Here are the best houses specialized in the dish with usually painful price. To eat well and save a little, go to restaurants near Tsukiji market. Also awarded are starred restaurants that bring the best of French cuisine and local, serving delicacies such as grilled eel, fried assorted skewers (kushi-age), popular grilled skewers (kushimono, the best known being the chicken yakitori) and more. In fact, considering that Japan has people living around here, you will find every kind of dish.

A good tip is to go into a department store like Mitsukoshi and Takashimaya, and explore their floors dedicated to gastronomy. In them you will find several small and friendly restaurants specializing in various cuisines.

Not too shy opposite the excellent local cafes, always serving pies and cakes better than the national average.


In the past, Tokyo was a kind of Mecca for electronics, especially in the Akihabara district. This DNA is still alive in the soul of the city, always full of deals on cameras from brands like Nikon and Canon, or perfect acoustics stereos. However, it is worth exploring casual shops that has gained the world, such as Uniqlo and Muji, large department stores - Isetan, Takashimaya, Mitsukoshi and Daimaru, among others - and one of the most charming streets of Asia, Omotesando, full of shops designer, restaurants and Kiddyland, specializing in toys.

Traditional tea sets, kimonos, fans, papers and notebooks, drawing and painting materials and toys of characters such as Pokemon, Hello Kitty, Doraemon and Studio Ghibli are quite popular souvenir options.

                       Templo budista Senso-ji, no bairro de Asakusa, Tóquio. Em destaque, à esquerda, o pagode de cinco andares.
Buddhist temple Senso-ji in Asakusa district of Tokyo. Highlighted on the left, the five-story pagoda.

                       Tokyo Disneyland Tóquio  Japão
                         Tokyo Disneyland is about 30 minutes from downtown Tokyo

                        Museu Nacional de Tóquio, Japão
                                         Samurai armor at the Tokyo National Museum

                          Capsule Hotel




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