sábado, 2 de julho de 2016

historical destinations in Brazil for a real time travel.

Paranapiacaba – SP
In Sao Paulo, Paranapiacaba is a destination full of history and British air - the British landed in 1867 for the construction of the first railway road. Highlights are the clock tower - a reduced reproduction of Big Ben - and the mansion that is now the Castle Museum (photo), of Victorian architecture.

Tiradentes – MG

Undoubtedly one of the most charming historical regions of Minas Gerais, Tiradentes is one of the centers that over express the movement of Baroque art in the country. The city, considered Historical and Artistic Heritage, preserved churches and mansions of the eighteenth century and the works of sculptor Aleijadinho.

São Luís – MA

The Maranhão state capital is an important point in the history of the country. Listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, the city was founded by the French in 1612. The characteristic houses and all the local architecture are remnants of the Dutch culture and Portuguese colonization. In the photo, the famous street chalk, home to important institutions such as Popular Culture Center, the Folklore Museum and Folk Art and Research Center of Natural History and Archaeology of Maranhao.

Centro histórico de Porto Seguro – BA

Walk through the historic center of Porto Seguro is to contact the early history of Brazil. There, where in 1532 was founded the first village of the country, you find the first Jesuit College and the Discovery Landmark, brought from Portugal to demarcation of the conquered territory. The local architecture is full of typical Portuguese colorful houses and baroque buildings.

Antonio Prado – RS

Upon arriving in the city - located in Serra Gaucha - do not be surprised to see people speaking in Italian. Known as "the most Italian city in the country," Antonio Prado is the largest resulting architectural ensemble of Italian immigration in the imperial period.

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